Anytime Fitness fits my needs when I am at home and on the road. With 24/7 access, there are zero excuses to not go. They have an awesome App too that I use (Google / Apple) and it can link to MyFitnessPal.

I have been using MyFitnessPal since 2012. I use it to track my food, fitness, and weight. When I hit a plateau in my weight loss, it is the first resource I check to see where my shortfalls might be. Their App is available on Google / Apple.
Lunch box. I pack my lunch EVERY day and portion everything out. I even take it with me when I travel.
Mini-Fork (cocktail fork). I am a fork loader so a mini-fork helps me take much smaller bites. I also use a baby spoon when eating Greek yogurt.
8 oz. bowl. When I don't measure my portions I don't know how much I am eating. I want to make sure I eat enough but don't want to over eat.
Protein. If I am going to be on the go during the day and won't have time to eat, I pack a high-protein shake in my lunch box. I prefer Protizyme by Metabolic Nutrition or Isopure (I add protein powder to many recipes to give them a protein boost).
Blender Bottle. I use this every day. I actually have several. I use one for water and one to blend my protein shakes.
Scale. I never thought I would ever say I couldn't live without my scale but we have become quite good friends.
Protein Bar. My favorite protein bars are by Quest and they are the BEST. With only a net 4-6 carbs, you cannot go wrong. They taste AMAZING.
Workout Clothing. I have become a workout clothing fanatic and I have tried several brands. My absolute favorite workout pants and sports bras are by Victoria's Secret. I love, love the Knockout Tights and Ultimate Sports Bra. They both hold everything (and I mean everything) in place while working out.
Music. You cannot have a motivational workout without some good tunes. I keep my iPod full of various playlists to keep me focused. Sometimes I replay a few songs on repeat because they keep me going when other songs would make me want to slow down.
Vitamins. This is a must have for anyone. I have a confession. I love Flintstone Chewable vitamins. For whatever reason, vitamins made specifically for women make my skin breakout. I've tried various brands but I always go back to my Flintstone Chewable (the hard ones, not the gummy).
**Note: I do not receive any benefit for mentioning any items or brand names. I just simply love these enough to share.